
Showing posts from April, 2021

Activation and Strengthening of Tibialis Anterior

  Tibialis Anterior The Tibialis anterior is a main dorsiflexor of the foot. But due to various pathological and biomechanical changes in our body, we tend to use other syregist dorsiflexors rather than Tib. Anterior. This leads to the inactivation of Tibialis Anterior and that can cause various medical conditions. Causes & Effects The main causes include, Hemiplegia Parkinsons Bad Gait pattern Effusion/ Edema  The adverse effects include, Overactivity of toe extensors Defect in Anticipatory postural adjustment (APA) Contralateral tensor fascia latae (overactive) Medial tibila stress syndrome (Shin splints) Palpation In order to palpate the Tibialis Anterior of a patient, First get him in supine lying and place a resisting hand on the medial side of the distal foot. By putting the resistance we resist the Dorsiflexion and Inversion (By Tib Anterior). As the patients dorsiflexes, the tendon of Tib Anterior is easily visible on the anterior/medial side of the ankle. We palpa...

Brainstem (Notes)

  Brainstem: NeuroAnatomy Anatomy and neuroanatomy are usually the most fearful and difficult subjects in the initial years of med school. But fear not, here I have shared easy diagram schematics that elaborate the external as well as the internal structures of the components of brainstem. Contents of Brainstem  Brainstem is mainly composed of the following components; Medulla Oblongata Pons Midbrain Link for notes; Brainstem Notes Further more if you want full explanation of the above schematics, you can always refer to my Youtube channel. Link is given below; Neuroanatomy lectures: Muhammad Qamar Shahid, Batch 12, IPMR, KMU.

Homeostasis (Notes 2)

  Homeostasis Homeostasis simply means the maintenance of the body's internal environment within a narrow range despite the changes occurring in the external environment.  Whenever we do exercise, we put our body to a challenge that is to maintain its internal environment. Changes in different environmental (internal as well as external) play their roles in the deviation of the normal Homeostasis. This, and much more detail is given in my notes. For accessing my notes please visit the following link;  PhysioSession 2 Notes Contents The above notes contain the following contents; Intro to Homeostasis Challenging conditions Control of Blood Glucose Control of Water Pressure Control of Temperature Control Systems Energy Systems  Expenditure of Energy Sources in the body. Temperature Regulation Heat Acclimization Heat Related Problems Cold Acclimization. Muhammad Qamar Shahid  Batch 12 IPMR, KMU.

Atrophy Prevention and Re-activation of muscles

Initiation of Muscle Contraction and Strengthening Prevention of muscle atrophy and its wasting is very necessary in parts of body, where the propioception has been affected. Propioception, simply is the feedback and control by the brain of a specific muscle. Loss of propioception can occur due to various causes. Some of them are listed below, Obesity Bad Posture Pregnancy Sedentary Lifestyle Edema Effusion Now, lets take one muscle into account and follow the steps in order to activate the muscle and rehabilitate its propioception and then strengthen it. Transverse Abdominis Palpation In order to palpate Transverse Abdominis;  Lay down in crook lying and then feel your Anterior Superior Iliac Spine.  From here, you go 2cm medially and 2cm inferiorly.  This is the point where you can easily palpate Transverse Abdominis.     Types of Stimulation Stimulation of a muscle can be of the following types; Tactile Stimulation (As in palpations) Visual Stimulation V...

Excercise Physiology (Notes 1)

Exercise Physiology: A Brief Introduction Exercise plays a very vital role in the well being of today's population. People from every age and race of life need exercise in order to lead a healthy and prosperous life. As it is very important for our wellbeing, it is also necessary to see and observe the effects of exercise on the normal physiology of human beings. In the following link you will be redirected to a site containing my notes on Exercise physiology.  Exercise Physiology 1 Contents The contents of the notes are as follows, Introduction Exercise Physiology of Special Population   Diabetic Patients (Type 1 and Type 2) Asthmatic Patients COPD Patients Hypertensive Patients Cardiac Patients Elderly Population Pregnant Females My notes contain the normal effects of exercise on the physiology of the members of society mentioned above. They also contain the normal recommendations of exercise for the above people. NOTE: This should only be used by medical students and s...