Neuroanatomy (NOTES)


NeuroAnatomy or neurology is believed to be a nightmare for the newly admitted students in a medical school. But fear not, here you will find the best notes on Neuroanatomy that you can get for free. And if you know Urdu or Hindi, then you can also refer to the following youtube channel daily new Neuroanatomy videos.

For Notes, open the following link;

Contents of Notes

The above notes contain, starting from a basic introduction to neuroanatomy to the complex pathways of the cranial nerves explained in easy language. Following are the contents described in the above Notes;
  1. Introduction to Neuroanatomy
  2. Meninges
  3. Ventricular System and CSF
  4. Brain Stem
  5. Medulla 
  6. Pons
  7. Midbrain
  8. Cranial Nerves
  9. Olfactory Nerve
  10. Optic Nerve
  11. Occulomotor Nerve
  12. Trochlear Nerve
  13. Trigeminal Nerve
  14. Abducens Nerve
  15. Facial Nerve
  16. Vestibulocochlear Nerve
  17. Glossopharyngeal Nerve
  18. Vagus Nerve
  19. Accessory Nerve
  20. Hypoglossal Nerve
  21. Clinical Importance
  22. Spinal Cord
  23. Vertebral Column
  24. Cross Section
  25. Blood Supply
  26. Ascending Tracts
  27. Descending Tracts
  28. Clinical Importance
NOTE: All the topics described are explained with flowcharts and written data as well as in the form of well described Diagrams.


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